new collab up

Towards the end of last week I was starting to feel like I'd never come up with anything new -- I think I feel that at the beginning of every project. Rebecca Dale Pearden had sent me some lyrics and I was struggling to come up with a setting I felt works. Well, here I am a couple of days later with a rough cut :-) Actually sequenced my own drum track, such as it is, it sounds pretty clean. I've created the rest of the backing with synth and midi, I think it sounds pretty cool. I know the 'producers' among us who have a listen may disagree.
It's posted on:

Thank you God & the Universe for continually sending me inspiration. Also just hooked up with Gary Yeomans, we're chatting about a collab; have a meeting today with my co-writer, Michael, and just joined the community at SongRamp - looks like a good place to be!

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