voice is slowly creeping back

ack, many projects were put on hold this past week... cause I couldn't sing at all, at all... well, I could, but it was all FLAT - ack!! Couldn't bear it!! Everytime I get sick, I worry that my voice will be like that forever... that would be so awful... in the meantime though, I worked on getting that new website up, and also wrote a couple of new lyrics.

Today I have a demo singer coming in to record a spacey Celtic fantasy of mine (aren't they all LOL)... besides that...

Current to-dos:

- prep Blue Collar Man & Send Me a Man for mastering

- complete revamping of Scent of Your Betrayal

- final vocals for I Could Dream - when the voice is trully back

- work on arrangement for new MJK/VLF collab

- rework/revise Wilted Heart - have a bass & piano track coming, I've been working on the guitar part.

- mail off a submission to music publisher

- mail off a submission to a local talent contest

- mail off a submission to project on teen violence

in the wings:
- collab with lyricist Diane Rulliere

- collab with lyricist Dean Taylor

- collab with singer/songwriter Erin Simms

- collab with musician Volker Zdunnek

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