Well, somebody was asking, so I made a list.
For 2006 my goals are:
- complete any outstanding collab projects(!);
- organize my house & be ruthless in getting rid of the junk (I'm a collector)... I believe this gets in the way of the creative flow... and it's impossible to find anything(!);
- walk everyday, spend 4 days a week in creative creating... writing music/lyrics, working on producing, or painting, or singing, or playing guitar, etc;
- give myself some time every day when I DON'T have to be doing anything... at least 30 minutes... where I can just sit & be (or lie on my mat doing Alexander Technique);
- make sure to spend time with my Mom and Dad;
- call up my voice coach & get a monthly 'check-up';
- continue to work on completing my 50-songs-in-a-year by Feb 14/06... & start again(!);
- get some reference materials (The Art of Mixing) and really work on understanding how to mix my tracks... might take a couple years practice, but I really want to know how to do my own master quality production;
- I just got Jammer, I need to do the tutorial & play with it to understand it better;
- take some guitar lessons so I can accompany myself better;
- I'm starting a Celtic/folk duo with a friend, so we'll be working on developing repertoire - writing arrangements for covers & for our own originals too, and then look for venues to perform;
- complete working on an EP I'm putting out with my friend & co-writer Michael Kavanagh;
- put out my own new age pop / ambient album;
- make time for a cat nap every afternoon;
- continue to keep up my blogs and postings on songwriting boards - networking & meeting great folks!!
.... sounds like a lot but I have a whole year to do it ... or not do it... or mean to do it... LOL
Have a great New Year, everyone!!!
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