Notes from Kenny K:
"you are the one in charge of your career" - perservere, be focussed, determined, have something to prove, fight hard & strong.
- do what you can to get noticed - let new artists record your material, get your music reviewed, radio play, establish a fan base
Notes re vocal performance (Steve Memel)
1. know the job
- communicate/entertain
- tell/express the story
2. use truth
- we are always communicating something - we must ask if that is what we want to communicate
- lots of things communicate - our image, presentation, order of songs, how we move
3. stay in the story all the time
- anticipate mental & environmental distractions and work to stay focussed.
Notes from
- great strong melody you can remember after 3 or 4 repititions
- a chorus the common person can sing a capella on a porch
- emphasized again, must be singable by most people
- well crafted - verses must mirror each other
Notes from Michael Lloyd
"stupidity is the main building block of the music industry"
"consumer is tired of the average"
- the roadmap to success is always under construction, and there's not just one way to get there - don't wait for the elevator, you gotta be the one to climb
- write everyday, even if just a little
- listen to today's radio, analyze the hits, pull them apart, why do they work?
- understand the business
- be ready for opportunity
- understand genres and submit appropriately
- must have passion & fire
- it's really not about being 'more talented' - it's about being the one who works harder, who lives and breathes it
- write from the HEART
- you will run into road blocks no matter what - make music you believe in, and find ways to get it to people who will care about it.
Notes from DIY
- ask people questions, like, how can I help you
- be creative, think outside the box
- when someone says 'it has to be this way' don't believe it
- check out 'guerrilla PR by Michael Levine
- be unique, brand yourself, be tenacious
- the music industry/radio, distribution, press - is set up for big business - but as an indie, you make your own rules
- creatively zig when everyone else is zagging
- myth - your day job is your enemy - it pays for lots of things
- to be indie means diversify & specialize at the same time, but don't spread yourself too thin
- think long term in your planning
- makes friends, not contacts
- 15 years ago, artist has 1% control, now has 99% control
- your biggest competition is YOU - take action every day
- be as creative in business & marketing as you are with your music
- find people who are really good at what they do and make them part of your team
- being DIY/indie = life long journey
- define success on your own terms and always work with that goal in mind
- take the advice you are given
- dont spend $$ on demos (DIY)
- make music YOU are happy with
- don't chase a trend, BE the trend
- song contests are not really a vehicle for success
Notes from A&R pitch panel
- first track on your CD should jump out and grasb you
- 30 sec intro doesn't fly - keep them short & sweet - max 8 bars
- are the lyrics understandable
- you must edit yourself - step back, look at it objectively, examine what you're going for
- don't be bland
- watch cliches, and watch being too complicated
- always make vocals up on demos, have great vocalist do your demos
Notes from Music Library/film & tv
- not that much difference between the music for radio and that for film & tv in terms of song structure, but licencing is different
- only final product (master) is broadcast quality
- good vocal, short intro
- convince people of your niche
- lyrics are really important in film
- have at least 3 difference sections & definitive ending (no fades)
- music should be authentic - i.e., sound like the genre it's supposed to fit
- be prolific, get a lot of stuff out there working for you
- watch levels of vocals - if they are too far out front, and the song is turned down underneath dialoque, the music will be lost.
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