Creatively Speaking...

One day I decided to put together a book. It would have black and white drawings that could be colored. Apparently many adults enjoy coloring, finding it a serene and peaceful thing to do. I came up with the idea of making it also a journal, so I added lined pages for thoughts, reflections, poems. Then I felt inspired to add my own memories and reflections. I would sit, listening to tranquil music on Youtube, and write. Together these things became...

"Creatively Speaking: A beautiful inspirational writer's journal & coloring book" by yours truly.

US Link -

CA link -

"I hope you enjoy this specially designed multi-purpose and heart-felt publication. It's meant to be part journal, part coloring book, and part inspiration. There are words and graphics, phrases and ideas. Whether you brainstorm, write poetry, or lyrics, whether you sit quietly in nature or at the kitchen table, I hope you find serenity and peace within these pages."


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